Nomad is a survival guide to help you to laugh, cry, and thrive in wilderness seasons of life. It’s the reminder that, even though life has valleys, mountains, and quicksand, every part of the journey is meant for growth. Using her family’s story of exile, Chari shares how life change and miracles are found in wilderness seasons.

Nomad will help you discover:

//The essentials to thrive

//The weapons to hone

//The pitfalls to avoid

//The people you need in your corner to survive

With Chari’s authentic style, strong storytelling, and practical teaching, Nomad will remind leaders that purpose, peace, and people are found in the muck and mire of the wilderness.

“Our entire lives will be lived in some form of wilderness, some kind of exile. So I would suggest we get food at navigating the storms, learn where the water holes and trenches are, and get a cool hipster patch for your denim jacket that says ‘nomad’.” Chari Orozco

People are out there in need of Jesus and we may be their only help. Let the journey begin…

Chari is a captivating storyteller and all around amazing human being. From the first page, you’ll be immediately drawn in and won’t want to put this book down. The profound and practical insight from her own personal journey through the wilderness seasons of life, will equip you to thrive, rise up, and find purpose even when it seems like all hope is lost.

Andi Andrew

Author, Speaker, 'Coffee with Andi' Podcast & Show

You ever read a book that felt like balm to your open wounds? Have you ever encountered a person that seemed to know all the questions swirling around in your head? Well this book and it’s author are that for me. I cannot recommend nor encourage you enough to 🗣GET THIS BOOK.

I devoured it. I highlighted the mess out of it. I wrote notes, to myself, in it. I laughed at the jokes in it. I shouted Chari down when she was preaching straight to my heart, like any good Pentecostal kid would. I shut the book when I knew there was one last chapter and delayed reading the end, for like an hour, because I just didn’t want my new friend to leave. I didn’t want the time to be over.

You guys….It’s that good! It’s sitting down with a friend that knows the questions swirling in your head & valiantly answers them with her own life experiences. What. A. Gift.

Amazon User

Balm for the Soul.

I ignored reality and all responsibilities for the last 3 hours to read this book from cover to cover. I cannot pick a favorite part. I just can’t. It’s all golden. So anointed. So timely. So true, authentic, powerful, and not at all remotely watered down. Perfection.The different fonts, the little picture images, the creativity of it all is so appealing and adds fun to the journey.

Thank you, Chari, for writing this book that is giving me the strength to keep taking steps of obedience toward my calling!

Amazon User

Engaging, authentic and so helpful and encouraging!! A must read and re-read.

As a millennial, Chari gives me something I deeply desire but can be afraid to ask for…honesty. She possesses a finesse that cuts deep with hard truths while challenging you to lead better, focus on KINGDOM issues, and respect the mentors in your life. Nomad embodies Chari’s vulnerability and strong storytelling while still offering you the voice of a trusted friend during your wilderness seasons — I mean FOR REAL! CHARI’S GOT YOUR BACK! Nomad is a must-read and a must re- read. I don’t doubt you’ll revisit Nomad year after year (maybe even month after month) because every time you read it, there will be advice that will resonate with you relevant to where you’re at in life’s journey.

Nic Goodner

Creator of the CRTVChurch

NOMAD, THE DEVOTIONAL Download the FREE Nomad 10-week devotional journal and start the journey today! Grab a few friends and use this devotional alongside the book as an extra resource through the wilderness and exile seasons. Preview Week One below and follow Chari on YouTube as she walks you through the wilderness in Weeks 2-10!

NOMAD (4 Week Sermon Series )  

You can now walk your church community through the journey of, Nomad. These four messages, based on the book will allow your teaching team a birds-eye view of the topics found in Chari’s book. 

WEEK 01: Embrace the Wilderness

WEEK 02 : The Essentials

WEEK 03: The Weapons

WEEK 04 : The Quicksand

This download also comes with four weeks of sermon notes but a full graphics package for your creative teams to use.